Frequently Asked Questions
What does above, down, inside-out mean?
Above: There is a magnificent creative intelligence in, around, and throughout our bodies. This intelligence, which we choose to call GOD, Universe, Spirit/Source – or GUS; gives us everything we need for health, happiness, and harmony while in human form.
Down: The intelligence of creation that flows through our body utilizes the nervous system as the master communicator. The flow of life information and vitality begins in our brain and flows to our bodies via a complexity of parts we call the nervous system.
Inside-out: The vitalist philosophy involves the awareness that everything the body needs for not merely survival, but to thrive, come from the intelligence within. Our bodies infinite intelligence knows exactly how to communicate its needs through the complexity of symptomatology, and vibrational awareness. By staying “in-tune” with one’s body, the subtleties of what to eat, how to exercise, what types of people to associate with, and even the spiritual reality of one’s beliefs are processed from the inside-out.
Modern day society, and allopathic philosophy teach a reductionistic and mechanistic view of life. Simply put; your body was designed to fail, and you will need pharmacology, surgery, and an outside-in approach to stay alive for any prolonged period of time.
The vitalist philosophy states that GUS gave you everything that you could ever need to achieve and maintain health and vitality through using natural choices of food, water, movement-flow, and spiritual “intunement”. This belief is the foundation of our 4 Pillars of Health.
What is subluxation?
“Nature needs no help, just no interference.”
– BJ Palmer
If you take your hands and place them over your ears while someone is speaking to you, you will still be able to hear, just not as well. A subluxation is when the stressors of life have overcome the forces of intelligent resistance within your body, and one or more areas of your spine become out of alignment for a prolonged period of time. Essentially, the stresses of life overcome the resistance of vitality. This “interference” of nervous system communication is silent at first, and typically requires three months to three years after a major injury such as a car accident, concussion, divorce, or loss of a significant loved one. The accumulation of stressors overcome the adaptability of our body’s built-in intelligence. Over time the diminished flow of life energy causes whatever body part or organ system to slow down, or speed up, and a lack of harmony is reached. The body uses the complexity of symptoms to communicate when there has been approximately 30% or more damage to the affected area. Specific chiropractic adjustments remove the interference to this vital flow of intelligence. Over time, the stressed cells, tissues, organs, or body parts heal through the built-in intelligence of life through the nervous system. By removing a subluxation, the body heals from above-down, inside-out.
What is Parasympathetic? Sympathetic?
If a tiger runs into a room, our bodies go into an automatic response using the sympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system, commonly referred to as “fight-flight-freeze”. To simplify and summarize; your heart rate increases, blood pressure and cortisol go up, breathing shallows and quickens, mind races, digestion, reproductive, and immune systems slow down, and all available energy goes into the arms and legs to either run, take on the fight, or freeze and hope to be undetected.
The parasympathetic is the exact opposite. Visualize relaxing on a long, deserted white sand beach while ocean waves roll in and a slight breeze kisses you on a glorious 80º day. That moment of calm and the gentle sigh you released is indicative of the body in the parasympathetic. A calm mind, relaxed extremities, deep breathing with slower heart rate, low cortisol, increased immune, reproductive, and digestive systems all attribute to the rest and recover phase our physical bodies need in order to stay optimal.
The complexity and imbalance of this automated stress response is largely responsible for every disease known to man. Too much one way or the other - yes you can get too far into the parasympathetic - and you stress the body. Think of too much parasympathetic as putting your feet on both the gas and the brake to maintain a normal speed. An overstimulated parasympathetic causes an overstimulated sympathetic system.
Our society has created such a strained environment where even what we consider relaxation is filled with stimulatory television, the continual feeds of social media, and other continuous dopamine hit threads we can find. All of this leads to long-term exhaustion of the sympathetic nervous system. The proverbial tiger has taken on many forms in our modern age. Chronic fatigue has now become a regular on symptomatology lists. The most common health challenges have become complex to the modern allopathic system, because they are a bioaccumulation of micro-stresses that accumulate over time.
Common reasons patients initially visit us include:
- poor sleep
- low energy
- digestive complications
- brain-fog
- muscle & joint pain
- inability to relax
- headaches
- anxiety
- depression
- migraines
- inability to focus
- neck & back pain
By utilizing specific spinal alignments and restoring balance to the autonomic nervous system we essentially “reboot” bodies into a more balanced tone. We combine the structural adjustments with guidance on nutrition, detoxification and mindfulness. The sum of these parts is where health, harmony, and happiness become the norm rather than the exception.
What does spinal health have to do with the Central Nervous System and overall health?
Facts about the spine:
There are 33 bones, called vertebrae, all stacked together with 3 curves and several vertebrae in the sacrum and coccyx fused together. 31 pairs of nerves are woven throughout these vertebrae, carrying signals to the entire body.
Attached are 120 muscles, 100 joints, and roughly 220 ligaments.
This is where flexibility comes from.
Importance of the spine:
It is what gives your body structure. It’s crucial role in our musculoskeletal system allows us to stand, walk, bend, dance and move through life.
Your spine protects the delicate spinal cord, or communication superhighway, between your brain and body.
Common effects of misalignment:
Excessive sitting has now become more dangerous than smoking. Add constantly looking down at a cell phone during the day. It should become clear why most people suffer with some form of chronic health challenge since there is such a direct lineage back to poor posture and spinal health. Afterall, posture is the framework to ideal health. Consider someone with slouched posture; you would seldom think they have vibrant health, good self-esteem, and an overall positive outlook on life. Conversely, if you see someone with erect posture; you innately recognize they have high energy, self-confidence, and an overall vibrancy of being. Recognize the crucial role your spine plays in your overall health. An interference to the very foundation of how our nervous system communicates life will directly affect many other aspects of our well-being.
Your head weighs about 10 pounds. For every inch your head move froward, or to the side, it weighs 10 more pounds. With two inches of forward head posture, your 10-pound head weighs 30 pounds. Over the course of a day, it can become exhausting to carry around. It can also result in fatigue, headaches, anxiety, migraines, decreased productivity, brain fog, sinusitis, and even depression. Forward posture results in pressure in the mid back which then can result in digestion problems, asthma, poor sleep, low energy, and chronic inflammatory problems. The lower lumbar spine and pelvis will become out of alignment due to the long-term weight shift causing low back pain, sciatica, constipation or diarrhea, sexual problems, and even lower extremity pains into the knees and feet. In other words, there is a cascading effect where if one area is in misalignment, it can unravel overall health of the entire spine and body.
Over the past 125 years specific chiropractic care has resulted in all of these and many other health conditions improving, not by treating the body directly for these health challenges, but from removing the interference to the nervous system and allowing the intelligence of creation to flow with more ease through the nervous system and allow the body to heal itself.
Why don’t you submit to insurance?
Unfortunately, the model of insurance largely does not incorporate wellness into their plans. A healthy diet, exercise program, mindfulness practice and proper spinal care are not covered under most policies. At Natural Spine we have created a unique system of health development that engages our patients into building a foundation of wellness through our in-house program as well as an online supplemental offering, called Vitalism Code. This revolutionary system operates outside of an insurance-based philosophy of treating pain, and encompasses a direct path to teaching our patients how to get and stay well. By utilizing our spinal corrective care and developing healthier habits, our patients find they utilize the conventional model of health care with insurance far less frequently, which saves them both time and money. Our streamlined and hyper efficient office systems allow us to provide unprecedented care at reduced fees due to not having to file insurance paperwork. However, upon request, our patients are provided with a superbill containing all the information needed to be reimbursed as an “out-of-network” provider. Ultimately, our focus is on the patient and their individual needs; not what an insurance company says they will cover.
Why does care cost what it does?
Chiropractic is a very unique profession. It seems like each practitioner has a vastly different way of adjusting the spine to achieve their objectives. At Natural Spine we compare our model of spinal correction to that of orthodontics. While most chiropractic clinics are comparable to the pain based general dentistry model. Our center focuses on not only relieving the initial concerns of our patients, but developing strategies to create ideal long term spinal stability and overall health. We believe in the ancient quote, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Getting and staying well through a wellness model is a commitment of time and energetic resources that has been shown through research to have nearly 12 times the return on investment. Our custom care programs are incredibly cost effective for most individuals, and we turn no one away for financial reasons. If a patient is committed to their outlined healing schedule, we will always find a way to make sure our care is affordable for them.
Why do you have the hours you have?
Efficiency, quality, and convenience are cornerstone values of our clinic that allow both the patients and our staff to have exceptional experiences working together. Every new patient receives a nearly uninterrupted hour-long appointment with the doctor during their first visit. After establishing a working relationship, our Flow Hours offer the flexibility that modern day life requires, allowing for optimized care results within the confines of busy schedules.
What are “Flow Hours”?
We all live in a very busy and hectic world. Maintaining a schedule can become a daunting task. Recognizing that life happens despite the best laid plans, we devised a way to ease one pressure and create availability for world class care.
The flow hours allow an established patient to come into our clinic at these designated times without an actual appointment. This flexibility can only be done because of the extensive training ALL patients receive when they first begin care. Leveraging technology through our patient check-in portal, in-office spinal hygiene system, and advanced correctional spinal care, we are able to provide unparalleled service while operating within a flow state. Our unique, automated process is just the beginning of what sets us apart from anything you have experienced before.
Our Flow Hours are:
Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
•8:30-9:30am  •11-noon  •3-6pm
We do ask that patients recognize there are new patient time slots at 9:30, 10:30 and 2pm. Please be respectful of these noted times and plan accordingly.